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The Plaza de las Tres Cruces is located at the intersection of Real de Jigüe and San Antonio streets.

The old neighborhood of Calvario where the Plaza de las Tres Cruces, is located, was one of the first urbanization nuclei of the town of La Santísima Trinidad. The formation of Calvario, popularly known as the Tres Cruces, dates back to 1750.

The Catholic religion became very strong during the times of conquest and colonization. The neighborhood of Calvario was always considered a sacred or respected place depending on the degree of religiosity of its inhabitants. The dominance of deep religious traditions in the region led to the erection of three crosses in the space that is called Plaza de Tres Cruces or the Plazoleta del Calvario currently, in 1826. Thus, the square became the arrival point for Catholic processions during Holy Week and Corpus Christi. In the streets associated with the entrance or exit of processions, one can see crosses embedded in the walls that indicated the steps of the ceremony. The passage of time strengthened the link of the Trinitarians with this place in the successive periods of religious celebrations. This neighborhood still retains that common character.

The neighborhood of Calvario with a significant number of houses built with a popular style, is surrounded by a beautiful and unusual landscape of the area.